Phone: + 91-135-2713780
Tasmia All India Educational and Social Welfare Society was founded in 1989 to work for educational and social upliftment of weaker sections of the society and healthcare by organizing free healthcare camps to stablish charitable hospital & schools. It also works for communal harmony, national integration and peace as its special objectives. A chain of schools and adult education centres are serving in the country with no financial compulsions as fee etc. This society is serving humanity at large in several states’ viz; U.P., Bihar, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Haryana, Maharashrta, Karnataka and Rajasthan etc.
The society also organizes seminars & conferences etc. It distribute scholarships and give appreciation letters to the meritorious students and give monitory help to widows and senior citizens. Distinguished personalities like President of India, Governors and VVIP’s have by some or the other way joined the activities/functions of the society.